DynaLog analysis with PocketLFC

PocketLFC (LFC stands for LogFileCalculator) is a small application (the zipped exe has 20k) that has a simple purpose: to get leaf position errors (defined as TrueLeafPosition - PlannedLeafPosition) for each leaf as quickly as possible when analyzing the DynaLog files.

After the DynaLog files are transferred from the MLC controller to a Windows PC, they are put in the same directory as the file PocketLFC.exe. The logfiles must not be modified. The exe is started and asks for the file extension of the logfiles (e.g., 102 for DYNLOGA.102 and DYNLOGB.102).

Then the program creates two textfiles: LPEA102.csv and LPEB102.csv, which contain the leaf position errors.

By double-clicking each csv file, Excel usually starts and imports the data. In Excel, data is then further explored and visualized by line plots or surface plots. An example is shown below. The leaf position errors of the first 100 records (5 sec of beam) for carriage A are displayed. The 40 leaves are on the x-axis. The y-axis gives the leaf position error in raw scale. Minus 100 means the A-leaves are 1mm behind their planned positions. But it cannot be said from this plot whether there is dose rate or not: for this, the fractional monitor unit counter has to be taken into account, which is also contained in the DynaLogs. This analysis is done with the LFC.


PocketLFC tutorial


PocketLFC is ©2001 by Harald Krauss

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